How To Join


Now click on 'Add Server', located at the bottom right of your screen. 

Click 'Done' when you have written everything.

Now Click 'Join Server' once you have selcted it or just click the arrow.

You will now connect to the 'Theodan SMP' 


You can now play on the Theodan SMP.

Hope to see you soon.

First, start your MInecraft Launcher and then once you get to the main screen click on Multiplayer.

For the 'Server Name', it doesn't really matter but just put 'THEODAN SMP' in the 'Server Address', write:


make sure this is perfect or else it will not work.

Once you click done, it will start pinging the server (which means it will start looking for the server). Eventually it will find it and you will see a small circular logo and something saying 'THEO'S SMP'.

When you join the server it will ask you to download a 'Resource Pack', this resource pack is just something which will make your gameplay nicer. Please click 'Proceed' or else it won't let you onto the server!